Friday, April 5, 2013

A True Hero!

      Almost everyone loves some popular artist due to how attractive they are or how exciting their music is and they always overlook the most amazing bands due to unnecessary judgement.  I know many people who will take one look at a band like Black Veil Brides and The Relapse Symphony and assume that their music is dark, emo, or something of that nature and just decide right then and there that they don't like them.  They do this without even listening to their music. They judge a book by its cover, per say.
     These bands that everyone loves because of their looks (and just as a side note, the members of BVB and TRS are absolutely gorgeous and perfect in every way!!) and strange music are thought to be influential when in all honesty, all they are, are either dirty songs, break up songs that only diss the other person, or songs that insult specific things.  The bands that are truly influential and truly help people are the bands that are usually thought of badly just because of their appearance   Two bands that tend to be judged right away are Black Veil Brides and The Relapse Symphony just because of how they look and dress.  These bands happen to be two of my most favorite bands.  They have helped so many people through rough times and caused many people to stop cutting and attempting suicide.  
     Black Veil Brides writes songs about problems and situations people may encounter and help them through it through their lyrics.  For example, their new CD, "Wretched and Divine" tells the story of overcoming fear.  Also, look at the quotes from the members of this band.  You can tell that they seriously want to relate to and help their fans through life.  Looking at the examples below, I challenge you to tell me how this band is dark, depressing, and emo!  
     "Life isn't about how popular you are… What girl or boy you are dating or who you know. Life is about always being true to who you are or what you believe in. Never let anyone convince you that their way is better than your way. In the end all we have is our hearts.. and our minds. This is the reason we sing.. this is the reason we cry… this is why we live." - Andy Biersack      
     "As we grow up, we learn that even the person that wasnt supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it gets harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much and love like youve never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is one minute of happiness you'll never get back." - Andy

     The next band would be The Relapse Symphony<3.  Granted, The Relapse Symphony is new compared to BVB, but I still know people that will judge them just by appearance.  This is another band that is far from dark, depressing, and emo.  Even listening to what they have to say, you hear that they too were bulled in school and were always judged.  Their new EP, "Times Running Out," is all about personal experiences containing lyrics that encourage their fans and tell them they can get through anything.  Take their song "Forgotten" for example.  This song was actually written FOR their fans.  If you listen to the chorus, they are telling there fans that everything will be ok and that they will "never be alone."  Now tell me how that is dark and emo!!  Plus, Bret (Lead singer) talks to fans on YouNow every week, JC and Alex (guitarists) chat with fans on YouNow on occasion, and they all make question and answer videos answering questions including those on things like bullying!  Fans feel comfortable talking to the band members about problems they are facing and can relate to the band.  Just like with Black Veil Brides, you see fans telling the band how they haven't cut since they have started listening to their music and how their music gets them through the day.  The members of The Relapse Symphony are absolutely amazing with how much they care about their fans and how much they try to help their fans get through tough situations whether it be through there music or even personally talking to them.  You would be amazed at how many misjudged bands are just like The Relapse Symphony and Black Veil Brides.  The members of these bands are living proof of true heroes!
     So next time you see a band that may look different or dress different, don't automatically assume that they are a dark, depressing, or emo band! These are the types of bands that have helped so many people through depression, hard times, bullying, and life in general.  That is much more than you can say about mainstream bands such as Justin Bieber, Nikki Minaj or One Direction.  Before you judge a band, or even a person, listen to their music or get to know the person.  The kind of people that are different will always be the ones who just need someone in their life and will be the truest friends.  The musicians who are misjudged may be the ones who's music relates to life and helps so many people get through the worst of times!

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