Sunday, April 14, 2013

Serve it Up!

     Well then...I have started falling behind on this, haven't I? Whoops...I guess the problem is I'm kind of out of topics...I could talk about the entertaining waiter at dinner last night.  So my friend took his girlfriend and I out to dinner last night and we were sat with probably the coolest waiter ever! First off, he was one of those waiter's that sits down to take your order and is super relaxed with the whole customer/waiter relationship thing.  As a side note, he smelled really good (he sat by me since obviously my friend and his girlfriend sat together).  Not to be weird or anything, it's just true.  But he also called my friend and I "hun," "babe," and "sweetheart" and called my guy friend "boss" and "dog." He also later accidentally called me "dun" thinking dog and hun at the same time.  Ya, I'm never hearing the end of that! But anyway, he also was super chill.  He didn't mind cussing around us (granted that sounds odd, but it was kinda funny) and he started discussing men wearing pink due to the prom rush that had just ended.
     By the end of dinner he gave another table our check on accident.  Since they didn't notice, he gave us their's instead, which was cheaper because we were quote "cooler."  My friend thinks he did it on purpose because he liked us better, but I doubt that!  Of course we gave him a huge tip, not just because as the two girls, my friend and I felt bad that we didn't get to pay so we helped with tip, but also because he was such a cool guy!  I love waiters that are super friendly and just relaxed with their customers.  It makes everything so much more fun and enjoyable!

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