Sunday, April 7, 2013

Meaning the World to Me!

     Ok, so one thing I've noticed whether it be through personal interactions or just texting/facebook messaging, is that certain people just don't even seem to acknowledge your existence or the fact that you care about them.  There is a certain person (again not naming) that I care more about than anyone or anything (not in a crush way, he just means a lot to me.  We are just friends!).  I try to show him how much I care; making sure he is ok when he seems upset, trying to support him, doing everything I can to make him happy, ect.  Now the only issue with this, however, is this person adores others, including friends of mine, but yet he never seems to be too anxious to talk to me or be around me.  I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, it's just something I was thinking about.  I do remember when him and I would talk all the time and maybe I annoyed him...but then again he talked to others I know everyday and still loved hearing from them, being with them, and was always so sweet to them all the time! Now granted, when he does talk to me and when I see him, he is very sweet...I just don't know whether he realizes how much I care about him.  I am so grateful to have him in my life and I want him to succeed in his dreams and always be happy.  It is just somewhat disappointing when you care so much about someone and they don't seem to really care much about you/even recognize how much they mean to you.  Obviously you don't want to tell them considering it could make things awkward, but it still just eats at you a little bit.  I know this person wont read this, but I definitely look up to him and he means the world to me and always will! This post is somewhat meant to just let me write about something I needed/wanted to, but also to maybe relate to a few of you.  Do you guys have anyone like this in your life?

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