Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"Life is a Gift, That's Why They Call it the Present!"

     There are many people out there, including some I know, that are going through rough times and have become depressed and sometimes suicidal.  This can be caused by many different things, whether it be a mental illness, bullying, family problems, stress, ect.  There are ways for you to get through the rough spots in life and help yourself move on through life, however.  What you have to decide is why is your life worth living?
     We will start with something simple.  Imagine, if you will, the Yin, Yang symbol.  The Yin and Yang can  symbolize the idea that there is always light in darkness, good in evil, and positive in negative.  Let's focus on the idea that every negative situation has some positive to it.  This positive may be small or it may not effect you until the future, but there is always a positive; you just have to be willing to look for it.
     Another small point is the idea that pain is a part of life.  This sort of goes with the idea of looking for the positive.  So, think about this: we always hear and recite the phrase "life is a gift, that's why they call it the present."  Well, with a gift, you are given the whole package; all or nothing in a way.  So with life, we must accept the good with the bad.  If pain is a part of life, then any part of life we receive should bring us joy.  If you are being given all parts of life including memories, happiness, pain, ect, then you should be grateful and realize that you are blessed to be able to be truly living.
     Now that we have discussed the smaller, in between details, let's get back to the question "why is life worth living?"  This question is something someone must answer for themselves, but if you fully think about it, you can always find the reason/answer.  But when thinking about why your life is worth living, think of this:  Why do we live if not for happiness? Life matters because of all the times and memories that bring us happiness.  Because of these times, any sadness can be counteracted by the happy memories and future hopes and as stated before sadness and negativity will always have some positive hidden inside.  Instead of focusing on everything bad in your life or focusing on the negative in a present situation, think of all the happy moments and memories you have and expect to have and try to find the positive in every situation.  Think about why life matters to YOU and focus on that.  Memories, friends, family, happy moments, goals, and the answer to that question will help you get through any rough situation<3

I would like to thank my friend for making me think about life as a whole and why it is worth living.  I wont name him due to privacy, but he knows who he is. So special thanks to him for giving me the idea for this post<3

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